It's A Beautiful Day To Be Here..

Embrace Your Colourful Moments, And Make Your Everyday Life As A Special Occasion, You'll Have No Regrets ;)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Was watching it and i was so freaking out when the demon dragging her off the bed, gilerrr~~~!! And how kecian the bf died :( I hate that kinda ending. Benci Aku~~!! Now, I'm scared just to sleep hahaha. Oh well, it's just a movie, a make-believe. I'll read a novel just to get it off my mind, InsyaAllah.

I just came home from Bandar, sending Rahim to Vocational Wasan with my dad. I'm sooo tired. I just wanna fall asleep right now, but brushing my teeth is more important HAHAHA. I cannot sleep thinking I have not brush my teeth yet, yuck!

I hope my work day tomorrow will be so much fun and many works and tasks to do, I love working rather than sitting and do nothing, such a waste of my precious energy hehe. Or should I say I'm just kinda person who couldn't stay in one place, even for a minute haha.

Hmmm so yeah, I'm Out Of Here NOWWWWW~~~!!! Hehehehe Goodnight People, I Love You All~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodnight and Sweetdreams~~




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